
$\ast$ means equal contribution

- Journal papers

  1. Quasi-Metric Learning for Bilateral Person-Job Fit,
    Yingpeng Du, Hongzhi Liu, Hengshu Zhu, Yang Song, Zhi Zheng, Zhonghai Wu.
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI, CCF A, IF: 20.8), 2025.

  2. Sequential ensemble learning for next item recommendation,
    Yingpeng Du, Hongzhi Liu, Yang Song, Zekai Wang, Zhonghai Wu. Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS, CCF C, IF: 7.2), 2024.

  3. Generalized ambiguity decomposition for ranking ensemble learning,
    Hongzhi Liu $\ast$, Yingpeng Du $\ast$, Zhonghai Wu. (Hongzhi Liu is my Ph.D supervisor.)
    Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR, CCF A, IF: 4.3), 2022.

  4. Aem: Attentional ensemble model for personalized classifier weight learning,
    Hongzhi Liu, Yingpeng Du, Zhonghai Wu. (Hongzhi Liu is my Ph.D supervisor.)
    Pattern Recognition (PR, CCF B, IF: 7.5), 2019.

- Conference papers

  1. Model-Agnostic Social Network Refinement with Diffusion Models for Robust Social Recommendation,
    Youchen Sun, Zhu Sun, Yingpeng Du, Jie Zhang and Yew-Soon Ong.
    The Web Conference (WWW, CCF A), 2025.

  2. Active Large Language Model-based Knowledge Distillation for Session-based Recommendation,
    Yingpeng Du, Zhu Sun, Ziyan Wang, Haoyan Chua, Jie Zhang and Yew-Soon Ong.
    The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, CCF A), 2025.

  3. Re2LLM: Reflective Reinforcement Large Language Model for Session-based Recommendation,
    Ziyan Wang, Yingpeng Du (Corresponding author), Zhu Sun, Haoyan Chua, Kaidong Feng, Wenya Wang and Jie Zhang.
    The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, CCF A), 2025.

  4. Disentangled Multi-interest Representation Learning for Sequential Recommendation,
    Yingpeng Du, Ziyan Wang, Zhu Sun, Yining Ma, Hongzhi Liu and Jie Zhang.
    The 30th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD, CCF A), 2024.

  5. Self-Supervised Denoising through Independent Cascade Graph Augmentation for Robust Social Recommendation,
    Youchen Sun, Zhu Sun, Yingpeng Du, Jie Zhang and Yew-Soon Ong.
    The 30th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD, CCF A), 2024.

  6. Unified Denoising Training for Recommendation,
    Haoyan Chua, Yingpeng Du (Corresponding author), Zhu Sun, Ziyan Wang and Jie Zhang.
    The 18th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (RecSys, CCF B), 2024.

  7. Enhancing Job Recommendation through LLM-based Generative Adversarial Networks,
    Yingpeng Du, Di Luo, Rui Yan, Xiaopei Wang, Hongzhi Liu, Hengshu Zhu, Yang Song and Jie Zhang.
    The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, CCF A), 2024.

  8. Bridging the information gap between domain-specific model and general llm for personalized recommendation,
    Wenxuan Zhang, Hongzhi Liu, Zhijin Dong, Yingpeng Du, Chen Zhu, Yang Song, Hengshu Zhu, Zhonghai Wu.
    Asia-Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data (CCF C), 2024.

  9. Bilateral Sequential Hypergraph Convolution Network for Reciprocal Recommendation,
    Jiaxing Chen, Hongzhi Liu, Hongrui Guo, Yingpeng Du, Zekai Wang, Yang Song, Zhonghai Wu. The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM, CCF B), 2024.

  10. Sequential hypergraph convolution network for next item recommendation,
    Jiaxing Chen, Hongzhi Liu, Yingpeng Du, Zekai Wang, Yang Song, Zhonghai Wu.
    International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA, CCF B), 2023.

  11. $M^3$-IB: A Memory-Augment Multi-modal Information Bottleneck Model for Next-Item Recommendation,
    Yingpeng Du, Hongzhi Liu, Zhonghai Wu.
    International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA, CCF B), 2022.

  12. Modeling multi-factor and multi-faceted preferences over sequential networks for next item recommendation,
    Yingpeng Du, Hongzhi Liu, Zhonghai Wu.
    Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Research Track: European Conference (ECML-PKDD, CCF B), 2021.

  13. Relation-aware neighborhood matching model for entity alignment,
    Yao Zhu, Hongzhi Liu, Zhonghai Wu, Yingpeng Du.
    The 35th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, CCF A), 2021.

  14. IFSpard: An information fusion-based framework for spam review detection,
    Yao Zhu, Hongzhi Liu, Yingpeng Du, Zhonghai Wu.
    Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW, CCF A), 2021.

  15. Unified embedding model over heterogeneous information network for personalized recommendation,
    Zekai Wang, Hongzhi Liu, Yingpeng Du, Zhonghai Wu, Xing Zhang.
    Proceedings of the 28th international joint conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI, CCF A), 2019.

  16. Hierarchical hybrid feature model for Top-N context-aware recommendation,
    Yingpeng Du, Hongzhi Liu, Zhonghai Wu, Xing Zhang.
    2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM, CCF B), 2018.

  17. Online personalized next-item recommendation via long short term preference learning,
    Yingpeng Du, Hongzhi Liu, Yuanhang Qu, Zhonghai Wu.
    The 15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI, CCF C), 2018.

  18. Reciprocal ranking: A hybrid ranking algorithm for reciprocal recommendation,
    Yuanhang Qu, Hongzhi Liu, Yingpeng Du, Zhonghai Wu.
    The 15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI, CCF C), 2018.

  19. Collaborative Probability Metric Learning,
    Hongzhi Liu, Yingpeng Du, Zhonghai Wu.
    Web and Big Data: Second International Joint Conference (APWeb-WAIM, CCF C), 2018.

-> Pre-prints

  1. Large Language Model with Graph Convolution for Recommendation,
    Yingpeng Du, Ziyan Wang, Zhu Sun, Haoyan Chua, Hongzhi Liu, Zhonghai Wu, Yining Ma, Jie Zhang, Youchen Sun.

  2. A Survey on Efficient Solutions of Large Language Models for Recommendation,
    Haotian Wu, Yingpeng Du (Corresponding author) , Tianjun Wei Zhu Sun, Jie Zhang, Ong Yew Soon

  3. Uncertain Multi-Objective Recommendation via Orthogonal Meta-Learning Enhanced Bayesian Optimization
    Hongxu Wang, Zhu Sun, Yingpeng Du (Corresponding author), Lu Zhang, Tiantian He, Yew-Soon Ong